So I am not a big believer in New Years Resolutions, but I am believer in setting goals and challenging yourself. I also just happen to love reading. 19 years in school ( MCHS, UT Knoxville (BS Communication) and FSU (MS Higher Education)) just wasn't enough to cover all of the great books or give me enough time to read. Now that I have had my break from school, I've decided to take 2013 to read classics that should have been read, old favorites that I love, new books that have come out, life books that are talked about many times, and just general books in which I am interested. The list will be published in a post later this week. A little over 80 books have been chosen for the year, but I know that I always find great books I want to read or a great new book comes out during the year so there is a little leeway to add new books.
Please note you are welcome to join me and share your thoughts. All books are not for everyone and I will include a separate list of some of my favorite books of the last 5 years that I am choosing not to re-read even though they are fabulous. Enjoy the list.
Special thanks to my family, friends, and teachers who shared many of these books with me and instilled a life-long love of reading.
To see more comprehensive list including some inspirations for where some of these titles came, check out these two great reading list blogs: Rory Gilmore's Reading List and 30 Books before You are 30 list on Divine Caroline and Flavor Wire.
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