Saturday, June 8, 2013

Langdon's return..and my trip with Inferno

Inferno (Robert Langdon, #4)
Photo credit: Goodreads
Let me start by saying Dan Brown is one of my favorite authors. With that being said, I do not think he is an amazing writer but he does have a great way of connecting a story to history. Inferno takes Dante's greatest work and creates a fairly unpredictable tale surrounding a biochemical disaster.

Many of Brown's other books are formulaic guy meets girls, work to solve a life or death puzzle, science and history are brought together, oh wait there is a twist, and they save the day. Inferno did not disappoint. The plot moved fast and we were entertained by our favorite symbolism and art professor, Robert Langdon.

If you have yet to read Angels and Demons or The DaVinci Code,  I would read these first as they explain Langdon's mannerisms better. Overall, this is a great, fun book, but not an earth-shattering meaningful book.

Happy Reading... I am almost done with The Wind and the Willows

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