Friday, August 9, 2013

Even the Smallest Souls Make the Journey

The Hobbit
Yes- this is the version I have!
While I am 90 percent sure I read The Hobbit as a 10-11 year old, I do not remember any of it. My aunt gave me the entire series a few Christmas ago. I tried to read them then, but life got in the way. Now, I am finally going to read all of the Tolkien novels in order within a few months of each other. Today, I finished The Hobbit.

Overall, this was a great book. After the first 50-60 pages, the book moves relatively fast. On a sad note, I did see the movie at Christmas time so some of my pictures were created for me (but I  had seen LOTR 1-3 already as well). Bilbo Baggings is ever the mighty little hero that you want him to be. The adventure scenes I was able to create in a way. In all it is a great combination of character development, themes, and plot into an adventure story for the ages. While I could sit here an elaborate on the class system and the blind search for treasure, the importance of foresight and wisdom, etc, there are thousands of experts who are great at this.

My advice is do not miss out on this literary treasure.  My Harry Potter nerd-self came out and loved the influence I saw on JK Rowling. It was amazing. Tolkien (and C. S. Lewis) were true fantasy pioneers!

Happy Reading!

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