With a twisting plot, characters who are not what they seem, and all in all weird book, this book does not leave you wanting more for action. Nick and Amy live a wonderful happy life in New York. After their career's tank and the trust funds falls apart, they move back to Nick's Missouri hometown. The drama unfolds as Amy suddenly disappears on their wedding anniversary. While this can be a good beach read because of its fast pace mentality, overall the plot was just a little too cliche yet to far fetch for me.
I leave you to be the final judge.
In other news, I am leaving for the beach and will post in the morning on the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People that I just finished. My week long family vacation will however include some great reading!
Below are my 4 Beach/Airplane Books for the trip. (Depending on the vacation will depend if I make it to number 4)
Catch 22
Inferno (I know I am cheating, but I can't wait!)
A Lion Among Men
The Lovely Bones
Happy Reading!
Oh, look forward to your Lovely Bones review! That one is on my reading list.