Any true pirate lover has to read this book. (PS I am pretty sure Long John Silver the restaurant name came from this silly little book.) No Way...
All in All it is a fantastic book written as a means for Robert Louis Stevenson to entertain his son. The target audience was young boys, what was created were accounts of many of the first portrayals of pirates in literature and later movies.
When Billy Bones leaves young Jim in possession of a map, the Squire and Dr. Trelawney decide they will go on a quest to find the treasure. In Bristol, the squire recruits soon to be pirates on this voyage across the Atlantic. The hunt for the treasure and the fight for survival on the island is your adventure to discover.
All in all it is a great fun book. Pieces of character development were missing outside of Silver and Jim. All female voice and presence is lost. These factors together, I believe, create cause for it sometimes being skipped in reading curriculum.
All in all good book. I am off to finish Half the Sky..
Happy Reading!
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