Sunday, December 1, 2013

December Books

Wow, It is hard to believe it is already December and that I only have 30 days left in this challenge. Luckily, I only have 9 books to go. It has been a truly amazing adventure. Meeting people, learning what other people read. All in all it has been amazing. Here are the last 10 books ( yes I realize one will not be read, but I also know that sometimes I can't get my hands on one.)

December is a challenging time month, but I know I can do it! Right now, I am currently deciding what to do with the blog and just reading in general for 2014. Yes, I will keep reading, but I am debating about how much I share and the number. I will keep you all posted. Thanks for all your support.

And now for the books:

The Return of the King- JRR Tolkien
A Streetcar Named Desire- Tennessee Williams
Lolita- Vladimir Nabokov
The World's Strongest Library- Josh Hanagarne
The Prince- Niccolo Machiavelli
Being There- Jerzy Kosinski
Academically Adrift: Richard Arum
A Christmas Carol- Charles Dickens
Major Petigrew's Last Stand- Helen Simonson

Happy Reading!

** Note to self: There is a difference between save and publish. Now this post is ready.
** Edited the list slightly due to time to get books read and time constraints.

1 comment:

  1. The World's Strongest Librarian is really, really good!
